Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time for Some Change

Michael and I had a heart to heart the other night and I came to the conclusion that I have not been doing enough for myself lately.  I've been giving of myself too much and lately I've felt burnt out, tired, uninspired, and just plain ugly.  Well, that's all gonna change!  Since I've been feeling a bit frumpy lately, I decided a boost in some confidence and self esteem was needed--time to get pretty! My first task in my list of items to change was a haircut!

Here's me before:

I know, I know.  You're thinking this isn't really a great before picture, Kelly; we can't see your long hair.  EXACTLY!  My hair is so ridiculously thick that when I grow it out, the only thing I can do (and have time to do) is throw it up in a ponytail or bun.  Not very exciting.  I'd been growing it out mostly at Michael's request and while I would love to keep it long and show off the luxurious shade of red I call my own, Texas is just not a conducive climate to thick, long hair.  It's just too darn hot 11 months out of the year!  You CAN see how long my bangs are in this pic...which kinda makes them not bangs anymore, knowwhatImean?

And now the reveal:

Ta da!  I got a cute angled bob and the gal thinned out some of the thick hair underneath so it lays down better and isn't nearly as hot (or poofy...God bless that girl!).  I realize that may grow out funny as a result, but right now, I don't care.  I look damn good!

Although, there is one bad thing about my new hairdo:

Yeah, check out that awesome cowlick in the back!  It was just soooo awesome I had to take pictures of it to show it to you.  I never knew I had it because well, who ever really looks at the back of their head?  And my hair is so thick and heavy (seriously, I'm not feeling any pain in my neck or back right now...what does THAT tell you?) that the sheer weight of it was pulling it somewhat straight and making it less noticeable.  So, I won't be going au naturel as often.  But that's a good thing.  Because the point of this whole exercise is to take care of myself, so now I'm forced to take time and make myself pretty each day (not that I'm NOT pretty already, but taking a few minutes to look put together goes a long way to helping boost my confidence).

Cowlicks aside though, I am VERY pleased with my new 'do and I am loving how I feel with it.  And it is so easy to maintain and fix!  Just spritz a little thermal spray and flat iron that puppy in about 2 minutes (as opposed to 2 hours) and voila!  Instant Hot Mama!

Now I need to find some other ways to add a little change in my life and make more time for me...any ideas?  I'm thinking I need a regular girl's night outing or tap dancing classes (Christmas gift hint, ahem). 

Here's to change!

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