In case you've been living under a rock in a cave on the planet Mars, Michael and I are officially parents! Sybilla Kathleen was born on February 21, 2008 at 11:27 am and weighed in at 8 pounds, 14 ounces. The labor was pretty hard and fast and I am proud to say that I was able to stick to my goal of having her drug free. My recovery however was a haze of magnesium sulfate drip since my BP shot up to 200/100 (I'm usually 100/60) and I was on bed rest for two weeks afterwards when it finally dropped to 120/80.
Sybilla is now 5 weeks old, almost 6 and getting bigger each week. By my calculations (read: I stood on the scale and weighed myself holding her then subtracted my weight) she is now about 11 pounds! I've had to start putting away her newborn stuff and dress her in bigger clothes. She's picking her head up more and more and has started giggling and smiling. The photo attached is one I took last week where you can see the start of her adorable smile.
The Little Bit is going through another growth spurt and eating every couple of hours again. She has quite a list of nicknames: Billie Kate, BK, Billie the Kid, Billie Goat (her screams sound like a goat bleating), Jungle Baby, Mowgli (if you could hear her eat, you'd agree that she sounds like a wild animal), and Sybilla Monster to name a few. The last one is in honor of her tongue-sticking-out habit. She sticks it out like a little Gila monster, like she's testing the air. We'll have to post a picture or video of it if we can get it on film!
Mommy spends most days cross eyed from sleep deprivation and trying to remember what day of the week it is. I can't believe how quickly she is growing and how fast time is flying. I will have to go back to work soon and I'm not looking forward to it. I wish I could be a stay at home mom for at least a few more months, but bills have to be paid! I may not return to KW and instead work for my friend Debi at her Quizno's sammich shop. It won't be glamourous or high paying, but at least it will be fun and Debi will take care of me! Even though I love KW overall, I don't necessarily love the department I work for and it's not very family friendly at all, but there aren't any open positions elsewhere.
Michael is working hard at World Market and is thinking more and more about what he will do in the future. We're talking about different things and we'll keep you posted as to what develops!
In the meantime, the dinner hour is approaching, so we will bid you adieu for the time being. Tune in again for the next entry in the Guerra's oh so exciting lives (I swear, it will get more interesting as Sybilla gets older!).
Lots of love,
Kelly and the Gang
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